BC Government Ministry Office Graphics (VARIOUS)


Cygnus partnered with Leading Workplace Strategies (a BC Government initiative) to become the sole environmental graphic design consultant involved in the transformation of the workspaces of government employees. The program promotes collaboration and mobility across numerous facilities with unique occupants, service offerings, interior design and architecture.

During this contract I was the driving force behind six stand alone projects. My responsibilities for each of these projects included concept design, location planning, design development, construction documentation, client management and creative direction. My knowledge of this client’s needs resulted in me becoming a primary contributor to an EGD standards document currently being created as the benchmark for environmental graphic design in all BC Government Offices moving forward.

The following elevations show an overview of designs I created and rolled out across five separate ministries, most of which are set for implementation beginning early 2019.

Project Leads: Andrew Thompstone, Michelle Lizotte